Sunday, July 13, 2014

Help for GoT players

Gardens of Time is my favorite Facebook game.

It's also the most problematic. Here are a few tips that might help you.

 Right click on a flashplayer image will give you this menu

 Selecting Global settings will give you a detailed menu

this is the one for GoT. you have to allow minimum of 10kb in order to play the game. this is being used like a cookie for your own game, not really an ad.

 selecting settings (local) allows you to set the amount. You need to use global settings (shown above) if you have already blocked it, to allow it.

Blocking ads will not affect your game play.

 blocking ads will also speed up game play. this is chrome. go to chrome://extensions/

 this is the free one. works great.

for Firefox go to add-ons, then get add-ons.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

How to Get Great Fireworks Photos with Your Phone

Wish I had read this before last night.
I'm sure it would have worked on my camera as well.

watching fireworks
Watching the July 4th fireworks has been a long-standing family tradition. But, capturing the beautiful aerial displays can be hard if you stick with the auto settings on your smartphone. So, try these simple tricks for fireworks photos you'll want to keep.
Joby GripTight GorillaPod

1. Use a tripod

When you take picture of fireworks, your phone's camera needs to hold the shutter open long enough to “see” the fireworks. The longer the shutter is open, the more susceptible your photo is to motion blur. So use a tripod to make sure there’s no movement. Joby's GripTight Gorillapod, which can wrap around trees and poles or stand up on the ground, is a great option that fits most smartphones. Price: $29.95 on or $16.74 on Amazon

2. Use the “landscape” mode

The Camera+ app for iOS lets you set and lock focus manually.
Your phone's camera automatically tries to find an object on which to focus. And when presented with a black featureless sky, the camera doesn’t know what to do. By putting your camera in “landscape” mode, you’ll be presetting the focus to infinity and narrowing the lens opening, which keeps both near and far objects in focus.
If your smartphone's camera app doesn't have landscape mode, you'll want to manually set the focus to infinity. There's an infinity focus option with Shot Control ($2.99 in Google Play) for Android phones. For iPhones, you can use Camera+ ($1.99 in iTunes) and manually select and set a focal point in the distance.
If you have access to a camera, you'll want to look for "fireworks" mode. Most point-and-shoot cameras have a button or dial with “SCN” or “Scene” on it. Otherwise you’ll find it under the “menu” button. When you put your camera in scene mode, a list of the available modes will pop up on screen. Select the one that looks like a spray of fireworks and/or says "fireworks." 

3. Turn off the flash

Turning your flash off will let your phone's camera know that it only has available light to take a picture. This is important because the camera will then keep the shutter open long enough to capture the fireworks. The flash button is usually a separate button on the main camera app screen.

4. Turn down the ISO

ISO setting
High ISO will crank up the sensitivity of your phone's camera so it can see details in the dark. However, the fireworks themselves are quite bright. So, to avoid overexposure and reduce noise, take your camera out of Auto ISO and change the setting to ISO 100 or even lower. The ISO setting is usually found under the main menu.
Updated 7/3/2014 with new app information.